Preparing for Christmas with a 24-day introduction to Tea — Day 4

My path to becoming a bit more healthy in the next 24 days.

Jose Maria
2 min readDec 4, 2021
Day 4 of the journey.

Run. Check.

I did start the day with a 5k run. Really. Quite slow because I wanted to run tomorrow and have a productive day. Lately, meaning, last two years, my running is not good. My goal is to run almost every day, and to ensure that, I am trying to make it easy, so slow and or short distance, but I am running everyday, at least once, for a minimum distance of 1.5km (some around the block).

Cook your own food. Check! I did over eat a little. but I overate of green stuff, so it is not as harmful as overeating… pasta for example.

Sweets. Check!

Brush teeth. Check!

It might seem I did better than yesterday, but this is not true. I have been lying around all day. Yes, I did stuff, but not what I had in mind, at least career wise. I went to the city, did errands, etc.

I have been thinking a bit about habits. Writing this diary for 24 days, is an experiment. I use to write every day, not anymore. I might start again, if I change the writing. Journaling has benefits, and this is also part of this test.

But I was talking about habits! I cannot recommend you more than this book, “Atomic Habits” or its Blink version if you are into habit building. I could recommend you a couple more, but if you master this one, you are DONE.

AGAIN, the tea… amazing.



Jose Maria

Health Scientist, Biomedical Engineer Researcher, and Musician