Preparing for Christmas with a 24-day introduction to Tea — Day 3

My path to becoming a bit more healthy in the next 24 days.

Jose Maria
2 min readDec 4, 2021
Day 3 in the challenge. It is not easy to find the numbers!

This day was very productive, but I failed at almost everything else. I did start the day writing about the previous day, but besides that, little to add. However, my tasks and goals for the day, were completed, but not the four I had in my mind.

Running. Not check! What can I say.

Cook your own food. Half check! I did eat in a canteen for lunch. I dont think I can avoid that.

Sweets. Check! I am starting to think that this one is very easy for me.

Brush the teeth two h before. Uncheck! I don’t remember, but I’m pretty sure I did not!

I mentioned in my previous post the importance of starting strong, starting the day with a win.

The best two minutes speech that talks about exactly this topic, is the “Make your Bed every day.” Just listen to it, or Google it.

But if you are not sure what influences you to have a great day Tiago Forte in his book “Design your work”, exactly explains a method to try to find out which habit has the strongest influence on all the rest.



Jose Maria

Health Scientist, Biomedical Engineer Researcher, and Musician